Peruvian Coffee

Best Specialty Coffee BUY NOW !

Our history

When my grandparents used to visit us they brought us the fruits that the Santa Teresita Farm produces, silk bananas, avocado, pituca and coffee.
They were gone and the fruits did not reach our table anymore. So, one day I visited the district of Chanchamayo in Junín. I fell in love with my grandmother’s farm, the plants were loaded with coffee and after analyzing and testing them, we verified that they achieve the best category, with 10 gr. you have an aromatic fresh and clean coffee.
How not to share it with you? I’m sure my grandparents are glad to know it. From the farm to your cup.
Read the story

We love coffee

Social: We generate better economic opportunities for Santa Teresita Farm.

Our Products

We share for your disposal our presentations:

100% Arabica grown at 1300 meters above sea level.

District of Perene, Chanchamayo. Junin – Peru

Exportable Coffee (between 81 and 84 points in a cup).

Presentations: grain and ground for V60 coffee maker, drop by drop, French press, electric coffee maker.

Delivery (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)


$ 19.00



$ 35.00


4 Packs ROASTED GROUND X 250 Gr. 

$ 60.00


Flavor and acidity

Exquisite flavor and acidity at its point.

Taste, body, aroma and bitterness

It will stimulate your taste buds. You will feel the essence of a 100% Peruvian coffee.

Coffee Profiles

Faith Profile

In my travel to different territories, I observed a woman who hurriedly crossed the road, working like a laborious little ant. Kindly and with a resounding YES, she stopped everything she was doing to help me find my way. She is like that, on her lips there is no word NO, because she knows the word GIVE very well. In this way, I met the coffee farmer from Cruz del Sur Farm. She is always smiling, dedicated and confident; her optimism and vitality lead her to grow coffee, sharing the most valuable things she has: her experience and her time with those in her community. She, motivated by an immense hope in that being who sees everything and knows everything, was chosen as the next guest coffee of the Kfest brand. Knowing this, here you can enjoy a coffee with hope, charity and above all a lot of FAITH.

VARIETY: Catuai with some Pache
PROFILE: Fruity Sweet Lime, base of chocolate, toffee,
cinnamon, vanilla background, mild acidity, aftertaste
clean and silky body.
ALTITUDE: 1600 m

Patience Profile

In a convulsed world like the current one, on many occasions the conversations are not deep, the truth is that we almost never ask ourselves: Who are we?, Where do we come from?, Where are we going? I am convinced that DIVINITY put me on this path of coffee, which has allowed me to turn my face towards my origins. This is the story of a courageous, persevering and patient coffee farmer; the eldest of the Rodríguez, who had to leave his house and his land in 1985, when the terrorism was strong in the interior of the country. They asked the people to raise their hands, accusing him of treason for not sticking to his rules and no one dared accuse him. Thus, to respect his life, he was exiled. Only with what he wore, his wife and his three children; They came to Lima to work on whatever. He was always very determined and persevering made his way in the city managing to raise his children. Today, God rewarded him by giving him back what he most waited for… HIS LAND. Knowing this, here you can enjoy a coffee with courage, perseverance and above all PATIENCE.

VARIETY: Catimor
PROFILE: Herbal, nutmeg base,
low acidity, oily body
ALTITUDE: 1800 m

Tolerance Profile

And the day came when we came together to be stronger, to combine our differences, our properties and our characteristics. Although we come from different origins and/or varieties, the objective is to obtain different qualities from those that each coffee would have individually, thus seeking a balanced and a complete cup. Here, you will enjoy a coffee with patience, faith, respect, but above all with a lot of TOLERANCE.

VARIETY: Caturra/Catimor/Catuai
PROFILE: Express

Respect Profile

The first gift that God gave us, he said: “Behold, I have given you every plant that comes with seed, which is on all the earth, and every tree in which there is fruit; they will be for you to eat. And to every beast of the earth, and to all the birds of the heavens, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, every green plant will be for food. And it was so.» (Gen. 1:29-30). That’s right, our KFEST coffee, made with the true RESPECT for the earth and our neighbor.

VARIETY: Caturra
PROFILE: Fruity Apples, base to
chocolate, cinnamon background, sweet finish,
smooth acidity and smooth body.
ALTITUDE: 1300 m

Other Products

Kfest tools are unique products on the market that, thanks to our entrepreneurial spirit, we have been able to innovate in internal production processes to bring to the market products made with recycled coffee grounds. Kfest tools are our second line of main products and that make Kfest an innovative and unique brand.

Kfest arrived from Junin Peru

From the farm to your cup! Order in just 1 clic:

#KfestPeru #PeruvianSpecialtyCoffee


+1 313 452 0890

3577 Fort St
Lincoln Park, MI 48146, USA

[email protected]

“The Lord will give you rain for the seed you sow in the ground, and the ground will produce abundant and fertile fruit” (Isaías 30,23)